This is just an observation I've made but it really gets me going, "what the f*ck" whenever I see it. Pretty much it's dorm bathrooms on t.v..
In just about every sitcom/drama/series I've ever seen where the setting was college the bathrooms always undoubtedly seem to be coed. Now it's not like that's a big deal except for the fact that I can't help but wonder where all these fabled bathrooms are. When I was dorming for college they sure as hell weren't in existence. And hell I remember seeing stuff like that as early as when "Boy Meets World" was still on the air (before syndication).
So I ask again, where are these bathrooms? It's like they're the flying cars of my generation. Or maybe it's just another aspect of life many of us will have to learn to accept as a wasted expectation. Like the first year you don't get anything for Christmas or the first time a girl tells you she can't date people outside of her race/ethnicity.
The only rule of the real world is that there are no rules. Anything can happen and to hold on to expectations too long can very well lead to one's downfall.