So I watching Glee and well what can I say. It hits me. There's this nice little cheerleader song and dance and I'm thinking, 'wow'. It's not the routine, it's not the singing, and it's not the fact that most of those ladies look like they're in their mid 20s (granted they probably are). It's the fact that they're playing 16/17 year olds.
So I'm postulating, just where the hell is the line?! Is it wrong to be attracted? They're attractive. Skimpy skirts and hell, even in the football gear, it was still kinda hot. Heck I swear a couple of them even had six packs but in the hot way not the, 'dude she's totally on steroids' way. And given that they're more than likely (I'm gonna say with at least 90 - 95% surety) all over 18 can this be wrong?
How, wrong, you may ask? Because they're portraying the role of high school student. Regardless of how old they really are, their characters have yet to reach the legal requirement and as time will show physical maturity is far from a deciding factor in being right and being arrested. And given that whole drive for the protection of the rights (as in real, as in the same as the kind people that exist in i.e. democratic nations have) of fictional (as in the figment of someone's imagination i.e. due to sheer creativity or drugged influenced inspiration) women that some feminist groups have been trying to push on a global scale, being overcautious is not a bad thing. That and the fact that one can only find the "character" appealing since the person who plays them is unknown on a personal level to all those outside of that particular person's personal life.
So well, just where the hell is the line?! Is this wrong? I mean I'm pretty positive without a reasonable doubt that I'd find them as attractive if the characters they were playing were the same as they are but still, the fact is, they aren't. So now what?
Listening to: Kids by MGMT